Print version ISSN 0101-3106
MAGDALENO JUNIOR, Ronis. The metapsychology of trauma: an essay on the startle. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2010, vol.33, n.50, pp.64-77. ISSN 0101-3106.
Starting from the emotional experience of startle evoked by the receipt of a letter, we propose a further of the metapsychological theory of trauma developed in the early work of Sigmund Freud, but later abandoned by him. Following the ideas of Ferenczi, Winnicott and Laplanche we seek to define the place of trauma in the metapsychological structure of the human psyche and the genesis of areas with no psychic representation, which are genetically the etiological structure of deficit pathologies. The initial care of the mother encourage the creation of representative elements that are useful to the thought process or, alternatively, mark areas that are not represented, manifested by discharge of anxiety in the real body, without the possibility of working-through and development.
Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Freud; Trauma; Deficit pathology.