Print version ISSN 0101-3106
FONOFF, Fernanda Mara Colucci. Martim - kingfisher of the words: the language plot in Clarice Lispector. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2015, vol.37, n.59, pp.69-79. ISSN 0101-3106.
The language plot related to the conception and the story of A maçã no escuro - The apple in the dark -, Clarice Lispector (1961) is our guiding thread. Martim's language entangled to his interior adventure - his way through and to the language, in order to reach his individuality over the figurative return to the genesis of words, genesis of the human beings and genesis of literary creation - is what we propose to come close to in this analysis. This is a study of Martim's journey marked by the narrative movement around the axis of time, which in turn is named a helicoidal movement. The critical fortune of the writer, specially to this romance, united to psychoanalytic and literary theory will serve as subsides to this course.
Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Literature; Language; Clarice Lispector; Individuation.