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vol.41 issue67-68The surrealism of the film The Golden Age: a psychoanalytic readingGirls wear pink and boys wear blue. Drive destinies in times of symbolic misery author indexsubject indexarticles search
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ROSA, Gustavo Carvalho Coutinho  and  FROEMMING, Liliane Seide. What does Her film analysis have to tell us?. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2019, vol.41, n.67-68, pp.231-239. ISSN 0101-3106.

This essay draws from a study of two scenes from Spike Jonze's film, Her (2013). As I address issues about Jonze's film, I sought an expansion of film understanding, establishing, at the same time, a dialogue between the seventh art and psychoanalysis. In the scenes listed, after careful analysis of elements that make up filmic diegenesis, aspects of indifference and helplessness that could be understood as unfolding of the theme of narcissism were revealed. Next, we will see how, in analyzing fragments of the filme, it is possible, in addition to obtaining a greater understanding of the work as a whole, to broaden our understanding of some psychoanalytic texts.

Keywords : Her; Film analysis; Narcissism; Indifferentiation; Helplessness.

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