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Tempo psicanalitico
versión impresa ISSN 0101-4838
AMBERTIN, Marta Gerez. Law, guilt and clandestineness in Love (the psychopathology of everyday love life). Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2011, vol.43, n.1, pp.59-70. ISSN 0101-4838.
Love is qualified as clandestine, since love requires mystery and secrecy to deploy. It is linked with prohibition, law and guilt, the lover will always feel at fault, so he will always test himself. The lover carries a fault, because he is not exclusively for the partner, but the contradiction is that, only for this same reason, he is loved. In the underground of love, every object choice is a substitute for the original (made in incest and patricide). Sometimes the replacement results in the choice of one partner, sometimes in two, and the lover wants to make one of the two, one who can join two extremes: the sacredness of love (the idealization that lies at the incestuous maternal and paternal side of the holy, the chaste, beautiful and pure) and the debasement of love, or rather the impure (which misses the mark in the idealization). If these two aspects are achieved in the partner it works... but this does not eliminate the clandestine side of desire - one always desires "something else".
Palabras clave : love; law; guilt.