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Tempo psicanalitico
versão impressa ISSN 0101-4838versão On-line ISSN 2316-6576
MARTINS, Francisco. Freud freemason: His lodge Wien would not be Freud’s splendid isolation?. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2014, vol.46, n.2, pp.214-237. ISSN 0101-4838.
The research hereby undertaken seeks to show the important relationship between Freud and his theories with the Jewish freemasonry entitled B'naï B'rith (Sons of the Covenant). We initially evinced what led Freud to join the Brotherhood: the anti-Semitism in vogue in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. We present the history of the creation of the B'naï B'rith and its origin is indicated in the North American freemasonry, with adjustments for the Jewish community. Freud's initiation in the Wien Lodge is presented in his own words. The creator of Psychoanalysis was not a simple member of the Brotherhood. His engagement with the Lodge was full-hearted, contributing both intellectually and in the administration. For that we introduce an annotated list of Freud's works in the Lodge. A two-way street happened: Freud influencing the B'naï B'rith and the latter influencing the former. Psychoanalysis, until 1907, remianed a mostly Jewish subject. This highlights the support to Freud from the B'naï B'rith and the latter's importance to the constitution of Psychoanalysis as theory, institution and movement. The metaphor of Freud's official biography about his "splendid isolation" deserves to be reinterpreted, taking into account that the splendid to Freud at that time was but the Lodge, where he was supported and recognized. Outside the Lodge he experienced a professional ostracism. We insist on the conclusion that Freud never disconnected from this Brotherhood nor from the Jewish thinking.
Palavras-chave : psychoanalysis; freemasonry; judaism.