Servicios Personalizados
Tempo psicanalitico
versión impresa ISSN 0101-4838versión On-line ISSN 2316-6576
DRAWIN, Carlos Roberto y KYRILLOS NETO, Fuad. Psychoanalysis and religion: the displacement of the philosophical problematic, from Freud to Lacan. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2018, vol.50, n.1, pp.143-173. ISSN 0101-4838.
The purpose of this manuscript is to indicate the displacement of the philosophical problematic about religion in the psychoanalytic field, taking as reference some texts of Freud and Lacan. The guiding axis of argument is the question of interpretation taken as private and personal in a completely naturalized world. So, the Freudian conception of religion is presented in a brief and schematic way, observing that, in this perspective, the theoretical elaborations on the psychism appear articulated of its cultural theories. Afterwards, the objections of Freudian position are listed the in its epistemological and anthropological aspects. Such reasons invite a revision of the Freudian conception of religion that is discussed in the Lacanian view, emphasizing the abundance of development perspectives of dialogue inaugurated by psychoanalysis creator. It discusses how the return to Freud, proposed by Lacan, impacts at the religious problematic core, with the distancing from the Freudian epistemological and anthropological presuppositions psychoanalysis of conceiving the religion. In these terms, the Lacanian approach highlights the epistemological problem, it means, the question of science and its reference to truth. The anthropological problem, in turn, refers us to the question of the subject in his/her reference to the real. As a conclusion, it underlines that it is impossibility to fill the gap reiterated by the real. Psychoanalysis leaves to the subject, in his/her singularity possibilities, the charge of assigning a meaning to the Name that evades every decisive act of nomination.
Palabras clave : Psychoanalysis; religión; philosophy.