Servicios Personalizados
Tempo psicanalitico
versión impresa ISSN 0101-4838versión On-line ISSN 2316-6576
THONES, Ana Paula Bellochio y WEINMANN, Amadeu. The uncanny's emergence: a film analysis essay of The student of Prague. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2018, vol.50, n.1, pp.277-300. ISSN 0101-4838.
This essay questions the reasons why the movie The student of Prague is frequently taken as reference to approach the unheimlich psychoanalytic concept. We propose as a question: could an uncanny experience occur according to the filmic chain? With this question on the horizon, we analyze shot to shot a scene, in which Scapinelli character visits the Balduin's room, the main character, and offers him an amount of money in exchange for anything in the place that belongs to the student. Balduin loses its mirror image, which becomes a doppelganger, phenomenon pointed by Freud as one of the causes for the appearance of unheimlich. When willing to waive his rapier, which guarantees to Balduin the ego's ideal record, the student becomes hostage of an image game, which favors the unheimlich experience.
Palabras clave : Uncanny; doppelganger; ideal ego; ego ideal; film analysis.