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Tempo psicanalitico

Print version ISSN 0101-4838On-line version ISSN 2316-6576


OLIVEIRA, Andréa Pires de; BELO, Fábio Roberto Rodrigues; ANDRADE, Fernando Cézar Bezerra de  and  GONZAGA, Katherinne Rozy Vieira. Teachers' aggressiveness analysis at pedagogical scene: implications for teachers' training. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2021, vol.53, n.1, pp.178-201. ISSN 0101-4838.

From Laplanche's and Winnicott's psychoanalytic theories of aggressiveness, it was aimed to analyse the aggressiveness of a teacher and its effects on the pedagogical scene, through a case study about an Early Childhood Education teacher. In a qualitative research, resorting data triangulation between observation, interview and focus group, it was taken, as an analytical unit, the pedagogical scene (defined as the set of interactions between teachers and students, and the intersubjective meanings os these interactions considering the ties involving these subjects). Teacher's aggressive conducts were found on the interactions with her students, leading to the hypotheses: teacher's subjective difficulty in dealing with her own aggressiveness interfered on her management of students' aggressiveness. Considering the teacher's subjectivity, her participation on a teachers' continued qualification, promoted during the research, enabled the awareness of new relational arrangements between her and the children, favouring the quality of her management.

Keywords : Teachers' aggressiveness; pedagogical scene; psychoanalytic theory; teachers' formation.

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