Tempo psicanalitico
Print version ISSN 0101-4838On-line version ISSN 2316-6576
SWINERD, Monica Marchese and DARRIBA, Vinicius Anciães. From the medical act to the analytical act: considerations about the psychoanalyst in the hospital. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2022, vol.54, n.1, pp.288-309. ISSN 0101-4838.
This article intends to address the consequences that can be extracted for the presence of the psychoanalyst in hospital work, from the clinical experience in the public institution. Starting from the predominance of medical discourse in the team, we intend to bring what happens in the analytical listening and in the transference of teamwork. From clinical fragments, we ask what the effects of the analyst's presence were. What did his presence on the team attest to? The analysis of the fragments demonstrates that the psychoanalyst's presence did not confer an extra knowledge, but, on the contrary, with his lesser knowledge he can operate by turning the dominant discourses in the medical scene. Unlike the medical act, which points to treatment and cure aimed at a body read in its biological dimension, the analytical act has significant intervention value, this is where it produces effects in the treatment.
Keywords : Psychoanalysis; hospital; teamwork; transference; analytic act.