Print version ISSN 0102-7395
LAENDER, Nadja Ribeiro. A construção do conceito de superego em Freud. Reverso [online]. 2005, vol.27, n.52, pp.63-68. ISSN 0102-7395.
It shows the preliminary concepts of superego and the diverse moments of Freud´s work until its formalization in the text The Ego and Id dated 1923. The author explains the existing differences between the slight knowledge of ideal ego and superego. What guided the research was based upon Freud´s use of these concepts some times as synonymous when he already had knowledge not to incur into this difference.
Keywords : Critical agent; Psyche special agent; Special conscious; Oedipus complex; Ego; Ideal ego; Identification; Libido of the ego; Objects libido; Mourning; Melancholy; Narcissism; Superego.