Print version ISSN 0102-7395
SANTORO, Vanessa Campos. The lizard lady: a case of phobia. Reverso [online]. 2008, vol.30, n.56, pp.77-83. ISSN 0102-7395.
Clinical work with phobias is a challenge to the direction of treatment which has brought us to reconsider several concepts such as: phallus (as a structural operator), anxiety, joy (juoissance), and even more, the most resistant structure known in the Freudian subject: the object a. We ask if these particularities might lead us to understand phobia as a third neurosis. A clinical case study is herein presented to illustrate our point of view and, also, to heat up our discussion.
Keywords : Phallus; Castration anxiety; Phobia; Symptom; Revolving; Phantom; Object a.