Print version ISSN 0102-7395
SCHAUDER, Claude; KLEIN-MELONIO, Maryse; CIANI-HOLTZ, Anne and DUFOUR, Véronique. When the path leading from the heart the mouth must pass by the hand.Translated byCarlos Antônio Andrade Mello. Reverso [online]. 2011, vol.33, n.62, pp.29-41. ISSN 0102-7395.
The authors present a report drawing on his own clinical experience, practice and based on criteria established by Françoise Dolto, when it became interested in the meaning of the verbal and plastic productions of children with mental retardation, serious young schizophrenics and neurotics, using design and modeling. From the concept of the unconscious image of the Body (IIC) that the author, a patient is registered and is its evolution through the design of interventions on the body and associated manifestations of language. These procedures are intended to enable the child to associate their actions and their graphic production engines with words that identify it, willing, even within their structural limitations, the introduction in the symbolic space in which it operates.
Keywords : Unaware of Body Image; IIC; Mental retardation; Psychosis; Castration simbolic; Symbolic act; Psychomotricity; Phobia touch; Erogenous zones; Body fragmented; Narcissistic Rearrangement.