Print version ISSN 0102-7395
MEDIOLI, Cristina Gaoni. Movie: “Black Swan”: some comments. Reverso [online]. 2011, vol.33, n.62, pp.43-46. ISSN 0102-7395.
Nina, main character of ‘Black Swan’, is a classic ballet dancer who seeks perfection. As she progresses toward her goal, the boundaries between reality and hallucination lead to highly disturbing sensations. While understanding that not everything can be depicted in the center stage of life, we are able to perceive that the pull of death eventually brings Nina to the abyss. Therefore, the end of the ballet piece leads, also, to the end of the character’s life. The tragedy displays how Nina’s mother sees the conclusion of her dreams in utter powerlessness. Nina will no longer be the sweet child, representing perfection, who should re-attain the professional frustrations of her mother, these meaning the source of regrets for the latter. After exiting the stage, Nina has no longer to tolerate Thomas’s advances, who attempts to provoke in her audacity, seduction and sensuality, for she was, during her life, conducted by the seductive power of death.
Keywords : Impasse in the relation of mother-daughter; Devastation; Attempts of separation; Reality of death.