Print version ISSN 0102-7395
OLIVEIRA, Edson Santos de. The dialectic of love: a reading of Destruction, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Reverso [online]. 2011, vol.33, n.62, pp.47-54. ISSN 0102-7395.
The present article aims at presenting a reading of the Carlos Drummond de Andrade’s sonet Destruição. Starting from the categories of love and hatred, drive of life and drive of death, this work will show that there is a dialectic relationship among these poles, which are poetically recreated by the mineiro writer, both in the macro and micro structure plans of the sonet. The phonic and morphosyntactic layers of the text mimic the fusion and destruction movement of the lovers. In this movement, Drummond leads us to the understanding that love has some kind of loss, which dialogs with the lack and the drive of death, pointing to the denial, a fundamental language trace.
Keywords : Destruction; Drummond; Drive; Love; Hatred.