Print version ISSN 0102-7395
CECCARELLI, Paulo Roberto. Reflections on male sexuality. Reverso [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.66, pp.83-92. ISSN 0102-7395.
According to the hypothesis of the text all elaboration on female sexuality would be a way used by men for not having to deal with the construction of their own sexuality and, moreover, to keep the dominant androcentric discourse. To sustain his hypothesis, the author makes a historical digression to show how the discourses on female sexuality has been treated over the centuries and hence the place of women in social relations, and the issue of female pleasure. He also discusses how women's movement, those that claim sexual diversity, the new family organizations, as well as recent works on gender, have led psychoanalysts to reconsider some of its concepts and think of new forms of subjectivity not dominated by phallocentrism.
Keywords : Female sexuality; Phallocentrism; Subjectivation processes.