Print version ISSN 0102-7395
DAVID-MENARD, Monique. Bisexuality: should it be said bisexuality or contingency in sexuation?.Translated byLeda Beirão. Reverso [online]. 2014, vol.36, n.67, pp.61-69. ISSN 0102-7395.
Considerations on the term "bisexuality" raise a number of questions. May psychoanalysis use this term, which, for Fliess, referred to a fixed and universal determination of masculine and feminine, from which the "sexual periods" of men and women were only one manifestation among others? Why conserve the term bisexuality with a psychic attribution? Wouldn't it be enough to consider the diverse destination of the homosexual components of desire in those subjects whose object choice is heterosexual, and in others, whose choice is homosexual? How does the experience of transference makes appear a certain plasticity of such choices, a contingency of factors of bifurcation in spite of the significant determinations of sexuation?
Keywords : Bisexuality; Contingency; Masculine; Feminine; Oedipus; Rock of castration.