Print version ISSN 0102-7395
ASSIS, Juscelino Moreira de; VIANA, Terezinha de Camargo; CHATELARD, Daniela Scheinkman and MAESSO, Márcia Cristina. The clown, the psicoanalysis and the subject in the contemporaneity. Reverso [online]. 2017, vol.39, n.73, pp.83-89. ISSN 0102-7395.
This study aims to present the relation of Clown artistic language from his creative process through psychoanalytical resources humor, comic and joke. Based on these mechanisms and through contact with the other, the Clown provides a reflection on the question of the subject in the contemporaneity, enabling a dialogue with culture. Therefore, the research has a psychoanalytical approach characterized by a brief review of literature about the issues involved, linking Art and Psychoanalysis and including laughter as an important factor of social bond.
Keywords : Art; Psychoanalysis; Laughter; Subject unconscious; Contemporaneity.