Print version ISSN 0102-7395
SANTORO, Vanessa Campos. Interruption of the psychoanalytic treatment with children: what the family had to do with it. Reverso [online]. 2017, vol.39, n.74, pp.69-73. ISSN 0102-7395.
The author brings a clinical question regarding psychoanalytic treatment with children. How to deal with parents so that they can establish a working relationship with their child’s analyst and withstand the separation of their child. To do so, one questions what is transmitted in the family taking the symptom of the child as the bond that constitutes the conjugal family. For psychoanalysis the family originates in the misunderstanding. There is a secret about the enjoyment of father and mother. Therefore, no matter the consanguinity, but the name of the father, the desire of the mother and object A. The father’s version ensures the maternal division, that is, castrates the mother on one side and on the other it makes a division between mother and woman. The discourse of the capitalist, through the pharmaceutical industry, appropriates symptoms related to inattention, hyperactivity and aggressiveness, through drugs that control the neurotransmitters and silence, “muzzle” the unconscious subject.
Keywords : Psychoanalytic treatment with child; Child symptom represents the truth of the parental pair; Paternity is a symbolic place; What is transmitted in a family.