Print version ISSN 0102-7395
SILVA, Mardem Leandro; HELENA; TEODORO, Elizabeth Fátima and COUTO, Daniela Paula do. From the impossible of the relationship to the possible of composition: the function of fantasy in a star is born. Reverso [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.81, pp.51-58. ISSN 0102-7395.
The objective is to reflect on the psychoanalytic concept - fantasy - based on the film A star is born. It is a theoretical investigation based on psychoanalytic film analysis and Lacanian texts. The real, as an impossible point of human relations, marks the fundamental of the (un) amorous encounter and resides in the contingency of ties. This fragility needs to be sutured by the fantasy resource that, in the film, appears under the clothes of the couple's musical compositions, which make it possible that, even in the face of "non-relationship", the bond is minimally established, functioning as a protective screen capable of overcome the dissatisfaction of this impossible.
Keywords : Fantasy; Not sexual intercourse; real; A star is born.