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versão impressa ISSN 0102-7395
SANTORO, Vanessa Campos. THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE AT IMPASSES OF CLINICAL PRACTICE. Reverso [online]. 2023, vol.45, n.85, pp.73-78. Epub 04-Nov-2024. ISSN 0102-7395.
The author uses fragments of a clinical case to weave her considerations about the practice of clinical psychoanalysis, or better saying, the phenomenon of repetition and it’s relation to transference, the unconscious and drive. Be it by means of the signifying chain’s demands for meaning or at the encounter with the real (object a), repetition is a foiled attempt at the experience of satisfaction and the mark which it left (unary trait). The object a and the S1 (master signifiers) will determine our subjective position as subjects making the choice and the sex choice at the encounter with the real its self (object a).
Palavras-chave : Repetition; Transference; Unconscious; Drive; Unary trait; Object a.