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versão On-line ISSN 2595-1297
QUINLAN, Cássia Frankenthal. Echo's Calling: listening to silenced voices. Junguiana [online]. 2021, vol.39, n.2, pp.143-156. ISSN 2595-1297.
The present study aims to pay attention to silenced voices. By surveying studies in Analytical Psychology about the mythological figure of Echo and Literary Studies that correlate silencing and psychology, we sought to understand what leads to imposed silencing.It was possible to understand that looking at Echo e the Other through hegemonic lenses places them in a position of little worth and value, something that also appeared in resistance speech and testimonial narratives in the field of Literature, especially when the encounter with the Other seems to be threatening.
Palavras-chave : Echo; silenced voices; psychology; literature.