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PERRONE, Paula  e  MELO, Walter. The Reality of the soul in the thought of Léon Bonaventure. Junguiana [online]. 2023, vol.41, n.3, pp.143-156.  Epub 02-Dez-2024. ISSN 2595-1297.

The article is part of the 2021 postdoctoral research Contribution to the history of analytical psychology through the eyes of Léon Bonaventure based on interviews with him and his texts. The insertion of the analytical psychology in Brazil through the pioneers Nise da Silveira in mental health, Pethö Sandor with the physio-psychic integration and Léon Bonaventure at the clinic emphasizing the reality of the soul reflects the interdisciplinary dialogue present in the construction of the conception. Psychotherapist, researcher and editor responsible for the transmission of Jungian work in Brazil, based on the existence of the soul per se - subject and object of psychological knowledge - Bonaventure highlights it as a matrix of experiences, presents the way of knowing it, discusses the presence of the typology in the authors’ production. He thematizes the notion of the Self, based on the writings of the mystic Teresa of Ávila and compares the understanding of the soul and its center to that of Jung. As a “gardener of the soul”, he approached it as experience and reality, in a symbolic attitude.

Palavras-chave : analytical psychology; Léon Bonaventure; reality of the soul; Self; arquetype.

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