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On-line version ISSN 1980-8623


COSTA, Crístofer Batista da  and  MOSMANN, Clarisse Pereira. Marital conflict resolution strategies: perceptions of a focus group. Psico (Porto Alegre) [online]. 2015, vol.46, n.4, pp.472-482. ISSN 1980-8623.

The resolution of conflict in marriage is associated with the strategies used by the spouses. However, the lack of studies on strategies and their impact on marital reveals the need for research in the national context. The objective was to identify and understand the conflict resolution strategies used in long-term marriages and its reverberations in the couple dynamic. This is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study. Data were collected through a nine people focus group and subjected to content analysis. From the results were identified conflict ‘prevention strategies’ self observing emotions and reactions, attention to the predisposition of partner dialogue and severity of conflicts. Expectations and strategies may change long-term in the marriage while some partner’s characteristics and interaction patterns are static and are part of marital dynamics that updates and feeds itself through individual and marital issues.

Keywords : Marriage; Marital conflict; Problem solving.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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