On-line version ISSN 1980-8623
FUKUMITSU, Karina Okajima and KOVACS, Maria Júlia. Specificities about the grieving process forward to suicide. Psico (Porto Alegre) [online]. 2016, vol.47, n.1, pp.03-12. ISSN 1980-8623.
The suicide of a loved one can trigger different reactions in people. In the current article which intends to be a research report, the specificities are presented to differentiate the grieving process after a suicide of others grief, caused by other types of death. The article has a purpose of reflecting the process of grieving through the understanding of the nine children - sons and daughters of parents of people who consummated suicide. The results of the research from 14 units of meaning were extracted according to the phenomenological method and understood by the perspective of Gestalt therapy approach, this article has the purpose of reflection about the grieving process of suicide, show that when facing death, the child may live experience whose suffering causes guilt, anger, feelings of helplessness, abandonment, rejection, loneliness and fragmentation of all that was known.
Keywords : Suicide; Suicide Prevention; Grief.