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Psicologia Clínica

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5665versão On-line ISSN 1980-5438


LOPES, Gilson Gonçalves  e  KLAUTAU, Perla. Working-through and its implications to narcissistic identity troubles: a contribution of R. Roussillon's. Psicol. clin. [online]. 2018, vol.30, n.2, pp.309-328. ISSN 0103-5665.

The working-through, a central concept and crucial stage of Freud's clinical method, has received little attention in the current psychoanalytic scene. By contrast, the same is not true when dealing with narcissistic troubles of identity, increasingly studied by researchers. In this context, Roussillon has offered unique contributions regarding the extension of psychoanalytic technique, in order to create suitable conditions for the treatment of this kind of suffering and to make possible the working-through. With this goal, the author proposes polyphonic listening to the narcissistic troubles of identity: listening for what cannot be said. In this case, the working-through has the task of giving voice to the unsaid, making an effort to discern an outline of what is still deemed impossible to be said.

Palavras-chave : working-through; narcisistic troubles of identity; psychoanalytic clinic; analyst's work; Roussillon.

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