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vol.23 issue72The school (in) discipline in the Piaget's, Winnicott's and Vygotsky's perspectivesThe Psychopedagogy and the aspects of the interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Psicopedagogia

Print version ISSN 0103-8486


MASINI, Elcie F. Salzano. Professional formation in Psychopedagogy: collisions and challenges. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2006, vol.23, n.72, pp.248-259. ISSN 0103-8486.

The publications on Psychopedagogy, in specialized books and magazines, show decades of existence of this field of knowledge in Brazil and Europe. Those years of existence, nevertheless, were not enough to establish a clear delimitation of the object and specification of the area. There still remain, among its professionals, disagreements about place of exercise, modalities and resources of action and controversies with professionals of other areas about the limits of its object of study. Despite these delimitation problems, it is generally agreed that Psychopedagogy is the area that studies the process of learning and its difficulties. Dealing with learning in the XXI century - a scenario where man struggling between the real and the virtual, overwhelmed in ever increasing superabundance of information - the Psychopedagogy faces one of the major challenges of our time. How to deal with the learning of human being in such environment? The search for an answer demands first a definition of its object of study and specification, as a referential frame that delimits that area of study. This definition requests deepening of studies, researches and critical analyses of those - a mandatory condition to the discussion about preparation of professionals. That is the subject of this paper.

Keywords : Psychopedagogy; history; Professional competence; Professional practice location.

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