Revista Psicopedagogia
Print version ISSN 0103-8486
CAPELLINI, Simone Aparecida et al. Desempenho cognitivo: lingüístico de escolares de 1ª a 4ª séries do ensino público municipalCognitive: linguistic performance of first to fourth graders in municipal public schools. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2007, vol.24, n.73, pp.30-44. ISSN 0103-8486.
PURPOSE: Characterizing and comparing the performances of students from 1st to 4th grades by using the Brazilian adaptation of the Cognitive - Linguistic Performance Test - group and individual version. METHODS: There were 130 subjects participating in this study, ranging from 1st to 4th graders of a municipal public school, both males and females, within an age range of 7,5 to 10,5 years old. As for the procedure, the Brazilian adaptation of the Cognitive - Linguistic Performance Test was used. RESULTS: The results showed that the speed of access to mental lexicon is directly related to the ability of phonological awareness, working memory and reading and writing, because the students who presented difficulties in the group CLPT demonstrated alterations in the tasks of naming and visual memory (repetition of picture sequences beyond 2), reversibility (perception of details in pictures and countdown) and phonological awareness (rhyme and alliteration) regardless of serialization, showing the occurrence of relation among the abilities of phonological awareness, memory and reading and writing under dictation. CONCLUSION: Phonological awareness and reading and writing are processes that develop and strengthen mutually, once the initial stages of phonological awareness (rhyme and syllable awareness) contributed to the initial development of the reading process. However, difficulties in rapid automated naming, phonological ability and memory generate learning problems which are perceptible in relation to the class-group.
Keywords : Learning; Educational status; Learning Disorders.