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Revista Psicopedagogia

Print version ISSN 0103-8486


PAROLIN, Isabel Cristina Hierro  and  CALDEIRA, Rachel Cherubini Tomedi. Graduating teachers: an investment in self known. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2007, vol.24, n.74, pp.169-181. ISSN 0103-8486.

This article refers to two works developed by two consultants, being one from education area and the other from research area. We were invited to do our work at a private school of Curitiba, in different moments. One of us was supposed to create and developed a project of graduating teachers, looking for a better competence of the teachers and the school; and the other to evaluated if all the investment (time-emotions-financial and work) had had a repercussion and visible differences at the whole competence of the institution and specially about quality of the relationship between student/teacher/learning. As the final product of the graduating teacher program, we wrote this article in which we intend to discuss about the importance of school institution in invest, in all levels, projects that are worried with their personal development and by the qualification of their staff. This became more relevant when it is referring about programs related to work with self known and the rescue of universal values. With duration of 200 hours, this program was developed during the year of 2006, together with a group of teachers who were able to do this investment. The research was done at this same school at the end of the program in November, 2006. The aim of this study is to understand that a teacher who looks for a self known in a deep way, will have more conscious about your potential and your limits, and therefore will be a teaching in a more efficient way, being clearer your work as a teacher. Considering about graduating teachers, it describe the program that was developed during the year of 2006 and later adapt the results that were realized by the students with the teachers behavior in classes, trough the research done by a specialized group, is what we want to show in this article.

Keywords : Professional competence; Professional practice; Professional training; Self assessment.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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