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Revista Psicopedagogia
versión impresa ISSN 0103-8486
VALLE, Luiza Elena Leite Ribeiro do; VALLE, Eduardo L. Ribeiro do y REIMAO, Rubens. Sleep and learning. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2009, vol.26, n.80, pp.286-290. ISSN 0103-8486.
Sleep is too important in daily life, especially thinking of child physical and psychological development and its consequence in childhood behavior and learning. AIM: The identification of sleep disorders in children. METHOD: The "Reimão e Lefèvre" (QRL) sleep questionnaire looks out a range of sleep disorders in children and is answered by their parents. A sample of 258 students aged from 6 to 9, was held in five schools of the basic stage in Poços de Caldas city, Minas Gerais. RESULTS: Among the results, it was found out that only 13(5%) of the parents admitted the influence of sleep on learning. DISCUSSION: Literature relates the relationship between sleep and learning, attention and memory, but few researches attempt to the grade of father's information about the consequences of the sleep disorders to students learning. CONCLUSION: The use of QRL questionnaire in researches may turn easier the diagnostic and make possible efficient treatment, especially when most of the parents do not realize the relation between sleep disorders and learning disabilities.
Palabras clave : Sleep; Sleep disorders; Learning.