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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


HEINEMANN, Isabella Lencastre  e  SALGADO-AZONI, Cíntia Alves. Intervention psychopedagogical phonovisuoarticulatory focusing on children at risk for dyslexia. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.88, pp.25-37. ISSN 0103-8486.

OBJECTIVES: To verify the effectiveness of pedagogical intervention based on the Method of Boquinhas in children with learning difficulties the first year of elementary school. METHODS: 11 children participated in the study of the 1st year of primary school from the city of Campinas-SP, of both genders, ages 6-7 years old, literate approach by focusing syllable. All children attended kindergarten before the beginning of the 1st year and belonged to the same classroom. The children were divided into: GEI-three children with learning difficulties in the 1st year of the Elementary I, who underwent pedagogical intervention from the standpoint speech-visual-articulatory; GEII-3 children in the 1st year of Elementary school have difficulty in learning, were not subjected to pedagogical intervention from the standpoint speech-visual-articulatory and CG-5 children in the 1st year of Elementary school no complaints of difficulties in learning, not subject to intervention. RESULTS: It was found that the children of the GEI and GEII had difficulties in all the evidence pre-testing, the GEI after the intervention showed significant improvement in reading and writing, approaching the GC. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that the intervention under psicopedagogic speech-visual-articulatory approach is effective with children who show signs of risk for dyslexia.

Palavras-chave : Dyslexia; Intervention; Learning disorders; Child.

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