Revista Psicopedagogia
Print version ISSN 0103-8486
BATISTA, Leila Santos; GONCALVES, Bárbara and ANDRADE, Márcia Siqueira de. Psychopedagogical evaluation of one child with developmental abnormalities: experience report. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2015, vol.32, n.99, pp.326-335. ISSN 0103-8486.
OBJECTIVE: Present psychoeducational valuation report of child complaint changes in development. The case reported is a boy, 9 years old, attended by clinic-school located in greater São Paulo. The medical report tells developmental abnormalities, specifically developmental delay, learning difficulties with inattention, with a diagnosis of mixed specific developmental disorders and other specified behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence (F83 and F98-8). METHODS: The experience report was drawn from the description of the protocol used for evaluation which consisted of eight sessions in which the instruments were applied: Family drawing, Kinetics family drawing, Educative pair drawing, Diagnostic playtime, Writing survey, Piagetian tasks. RESULTS: The psychopedagogic evaluation showed delayed literacy, and cognitive development, and difficulties in motor coordination, interaction and communication. There was perception of healthy link with the object of knowledge and healthy perception of the family structure, although there was perception of lack of link between family members and impaired with teacher. The psychopedagogic evaluation provided a comprehensive analysis of the subject and their learning, and routing suggestions based on the achieved results.
Keywords : Psychopedagogy; Diagnosis; Learning.