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Revista Psicopedagogia
versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486
ARAUJO, Juliana Oliveira Pessoa e GOMES, Claudia. The curriculum, action and illegitimate inclusion at the elementary school: questioning the reality of Alfenas/MG schools. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2016, vol.33, n.102, pp.294-306. ISSN 0103-8486.
This study aims to characterize the conditions of training and educational performance aligned to the assumptions of Inclusive Education. Therefore, 63 teachers of elementary school, working in 7 schools in the city of Alfenas/MG were studied. Data collection was done by questionnaire composed of questions of socio-demographic characteristics, initial and continuing training, and curriculum assumptions, resources and teaching strategies considered inclusive. Quantitative analysis of the data showed that 79.4% of teachers interviewed, do not have professional training focusing inclusive actions; 52.4% said lack domain educational strategies based on the premise, as well as 22.2% indicate act based on a fragmented and static curriculum that does not favor the articulation of actions based on inclusive assumptions. In conclusion, through the results, reflects the curriculum, pedagogical and relational challenges of teaching practices, not just training should be problematized, but above all, we must unleash what is the curriculum design that supports the understanding of the processes political, educational and relational schools, for from it discuss what challenges and possible perspectives for the construction of a teaching action effectively integrated with the development of collaborative and participatory methodologies, and in fact linked inclusive educational activities in public schools.
Palavras-chave : Mainstreaming [Education]; Faculty; Curriculum.