Revista Psicopedagogia
Print version ISSN 0103-8486
DALTRO, Mônica Ramos and PONDE, Milena Pereira. Internship in psychology: learn-reflect-making in practice settings. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2017, vol.34, n.104, pp.169-179. ISSN 0103-8486.
There are about 49,412 Psychologists working on SUS that challenges the education system to move from its traditional position, which privileges clinics, to develop health promoters. This is part of a thesis that thinks Psychology as a health profession. This study describes the Internship, a pedagogic assisted practice, where the teacher is viewed as a mediator in a psychopedagogical perspective. It provides the perception of the students about the Internship experience. This is a descriptive study based on qualitative approach analyses of the content of 51 questionnaires of students enrolled between the 8th and 10th semester of a Psychology course in Bahia, Brazil. The data was analyzed using Sense Interpretation Method. The results indicate 100% of satisfaction facing the experience and development of competences as interdisciplinary attitude, capacity to work with teams, communication, autonomy and maturity. All the above reveals the learning that integrates attitude, concept and techniques, answering the demands of the DCN's and SUS.
Keywords : Internship and Residency; Health Occupations; Unified Health System; Perception.