Revista Psicopedagogia
Print version ISSN 0103-8486
GUTIERREZ, Maria Katiana Veluk and ROQUE, Maria Rosa de Oliveira. Psychopedagogy for grown-ups Psychopedagogical care in the mature age. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2022, vol.39, n.120, pp.388-403. ISSN 0103-8486.
The present study arose from the observation, in our professional practice, that the adult, to deal with learning issues, for different reasons, can benefit from psychopedagogical care. Therefore, the survey of sources of reading and bibliographic analysis made it possible to investigate the needs of the mature phase, reviewing paradigms, their characteristics and peculiarities. Throughout the work, we emphasize the rescue and/or strengthening of autonomy and authorship as characters of great value, always having as a target the quality of life. The study also leads us to think about the following question proposed by several authors: do we have one more cognitive stage in addition to those proposed by Piaget? We also propose the intention of thinking about the different possibilities of psychopedagogical care, expanding our look and our listening.
Keywords : Mature Phase; Paradigms Review; Autonomy; Autorship.