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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versión impresa ISSN 0104-1282


MATTOS, Isabela Alves  y  LIMA, Isabel Maria Sampaio Oliveira. Motherhood and intrafamilial child sexual abuse: to guarantee a protective embrace. Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. [online]. 2012, vol.22, n.3, pp.373-377. ISSN 0104-1282.

Many were the changes over the past decades regarding the status of women. However, the dominant discourse is still set on the maternal role as being the women's duty to care for, and protect, their offspring. Women are still seen as largely responsible for family balance. If a child faces intrafamilial sexual abuse, his mother may offer him a protective embrace, or fall silent, becoming the abuser's accomplice. That she may be the one effectively protecting her child gives the mother the ability to reconfigure family relationships as she sets limits and attention priorities to them. This article intends to analyze motherhood when confronted with cases of child sexual abuse within the family. A qualitative approach has been adopted, by means of literature and law reviews. The first survey was conducted using scientific articles in journals with an attention to keywords related to the possibilities of understanding the phenomenon. The conclusion on literature review shows that variables relative to the mothers' socio-economic roots may influence their reaction. The legislative review indicates the need to surpass the mere reading of regulations for their effective implementation. Moreover, it has been noted that the conception of motherhood may change depending on cultural or socio-historical context. The occurrence of adversities affecting their offspring entails a proactive stance, distinct from the housewife status. When firm, motherly care can signify the protection of her child's welfare.

Palabras clave : motherhood; sexual abuse; child protection; family.

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