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Journal of Human Growth and Development
versión impresa ISSN 0104-1282versión On-line ISSN 2175-3598
DUARTE, Marcelo Gonçalves et al. Nutritional status of children from lower Amazonas: agreement between three classification criteria. J. Hum. Growth Dev. [online]. 2018, vol.28, n.2, pp.139-147. ISSN 0104-1282.
INTRODUCTION: The knowledge of adequate methods to monitor growth and nutritional status during childhood and adolescence makes possible an early diagnosis of possible problems, such as malnutrition, overweight or obesity in adult life. OBJECTIVE: To determine the agreement between three methods of nutritional assessment status of children 2 to 6 years old from Lower Amazonas region, Brazil. METHODS: Exploratory, epidemiological, and cross-sectional school-based study conducted in 2014 with children of Child Education in the city of Parintins. We assessed the nutritional status, body mass index, according to three criteria: Conde and Monteiro, Cole et al, and World Health Organization (WHO). We used the Kappa coefficient to investigate the agreement between three criteria. RESULTS: Participants were 1.387 children (714 boys) with a mean age of 5 years. The boys had a higher prevalence of overweight than girls by the WHO classification, but higher proportion of girls with low weight, according to the national criteria. The best levels of agreement were for females and national protocol showed good agreement with the international use of protocols, highlighting proposed by the WHO. CONCLUSION: We concluded that there was agreement among the criteria for assessing the nutritional status of children in the Lower Amazonas.
Palabras clave : preschoolers; body mass index; anthropometry; nutrition assessment.