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vol.17 número1Famílias homoafetivasConflitos familiares e conjugais na perspectiva dos filhos adolescentes índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama

versão On-line ISSN 2318-0498


FILIPINI, Rosalba. The sociometric reconfiguration of the contemporary family: the challenges of children and adolescents. Rev. bras. psicodrama [online]. 2009, vol.17, n.1, pp.35-50. ISSN 2318-0498.

This article aims to reflect on the transformations that have occurred within the family over time, looking at the history of the Brazilian family, the emergence of divorce, and the more recent forms of conjugal partnerships. It presents children's perceptions of and reactions to the separation of their parents, as well as to their new partnerships. In the main focus of this paper is the multiplicity of arrangements and demands.

Palavras-chave : Family; psychodrama with children and adolescents; conjugal partnerships; divorce; re-marriage; family sociometry.

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