Serviços Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama
versão On-line ISSN 2318-0498
MERENGUE, Devanir. Tattooed bodies, volatile relationships: the contemporary meaning of the concept of cultural conserve. Rev. bras. psicodrama [online]. 2009, vol.17, n.1, pp.105-114. ISSN 2318-0498.
The author employs tattoo in order to discuss the concept of cultural conserve as proposed by Jacob Levy Moreno. Why do young people and adults get tattooed in a moment of History marked by the volatility of human relationships? Why do they get attached to the fashion of something so permanent, when our modern-liquid world demands detachment? If tattoo is a cultural conserve, than this concept needs reconsidering, as it has a strong connotation of resistance in face of ever-changing postmodernity.
Palavras-chave : Cultural conserve; creative spontaneity; tattoo; contemporaneity; time.