Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama
On-line version ISSN 2318-0498
GONCALVES, Yadja Nascimento; OLIVEIRA, Susana Kramer Mesquita; RIBEIRO, Aline Rodrigues and LAGE, Ana Maria Vieira. The experience of children with diabetes: qualitative research and interventional health through sociodrama. Rev. bras. psicodrama [online]. 2014, vol.22, n.1, pp.43-53. ISSN 2318-0498.
Chronic diseases - among them diabetes mellitus - affect a significant portion of Brazilian population, including children and teenagers. These diseases impose numerous limitations, both behavioral and physical and/or nutrition for those who have it, triggering specific attitudes and feelings, which require a specialized work for the development of the adaptive capacity, in the fighting disease and in the accession process treatment. This article presents a qualitative and intervention research in health, focusing on understanding the meanings of children on the experience of being with a chronic illness, specifically diabetes mellitus type 1, in a environment eminently social and relational, sponsored by the sociodramatic method.
Keywords : Children; Health psychology; Sociodrama; Diabetes mellitus; Group.