Print version ISSN 0104-6578
MACHADO, Tássia Brenner and BOTTOLI, Cristiane. As the teachers notice the violência intrafamily. Barbaroi [online]. 2011, n.34, pp.38-59. ISSN 0104-6578.
This qualitative research intended to understand how teachers at first years of school perceive the impact intrafamily violence has on their students' development. Six female teachers have been interviewed: three participate in a project which aims at enabling professionals to handle intrafamily violence issues in the school environment; the other three do not take part in the project. All six teachers have experience teaching the first years and reside in Santa Maria - RS, Brazil. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview. Afterwards, as a procedure, content analysis was carried out. The results obtained demonstrate that the interviewed teachers understand and distinguish the concepts of both violence and intrafamily violence. Four of the teachers reported having observed intrafamily violence at the school, whereas two have not. When concerning handling such situation, all interviewees responded they would investigate it, communicate it to the school and contact guardianship organizations. With regards to the facts that influence child development, the relation amongst peers was emphasized. Only three interviewees brought up data referring to the role teachers play in the teacher-student relation. Furthermore, no significant differences relating to the teachers' participation or nonparticipation in the project were found.
Keywords : Intrafamily violence; Teachers; Child development.