Print version ISSN 0104-6578
VIEIRA, Mauro Luís; LACERDA, André Luis Ribeiro; VIEIRA, Manoela Clausen and SEIDL-DE-MOURA, Maria Lucia. Sociodemographic and psychosocial aspects brazilian families living in small towns and capital. Barbaroi [online]. 2011, n.34, pp.60-79. ISSN 0104-6578.
The context where the family is inserted has strong repercussions in its form and organization. This study (exploratory and comparative) has aims at investigating both sociodemographic and psychosocial characteristics of Brazilian families living in state capitals and in the interior through mothers' reports. Participants of study were 606 mothers from six Brazilian states, residents in twelve cities, half of them capitals and the other half small towns with less than 23 000 inhabitants. They answered a questionnaire with closed questions and scales in individual interviews. Through the statistical analysis, it has been observed that mothers living in capital cities, comparing with ones who live in small towns, showed significantly that: mothers are older, have higher educational level and most have paid work. On the other hand, strong differences in relation to psychosocial aspect of the families from the two contexts were not identified. Therefore, it has been concluded that the context in which the family lives has influenced their way of life that may be related mainly with sociodemographic differences.
Keywords : Family setting; Culture; Development.