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versão impressa ISSN 0104-6578
SANTOS, Tania Steren dos e SILVA, Diego Machado da. Organizational and technological innovations: practices and representations of workers in the shoe industry in Vale dos Sinos (RS). Barbaroi [online]. 2011, n.35, pp.6-29. ISSN 0104-6578.
This research analyzes the innovations incorporated in the technical basis and in labor relations in the shoe industry in Vale dos Sinos (RS), considering the practices and attitudes of workers about the changes underway. When comparing strategies taylorist-fordist and toyotist in the industries sector, there are mixed forms, as concomitant to the inclusion of new technologies remain traditional working arrangements, particularly in small and micro enterprises. The pace of work tends to be faster in group work, but is considered less monotonous and tiring than the work on the mat alone. Changes are occurring in the role of managers, with labor relations more democratic and dialogical, but business strategies are directed mostly to the generation of new structures to disciplining the workforce. The monitoring occurs indirectly and is internalized by the workers. Data on the daily show factory dichotomous relationships of cooperation and conflict, which determine the preferences and attitudes of employees regarding the issue of job satisfaction and its inclusion in the work process.
Palavras-chave : Technology; Workforce; Footwear Industry; Labor Relations.