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Print version ISSN 0104-6578
FELISBINO, Riberti Almeida. The 'heads' of the chamber of deputies of Brazil: political career homogeneous and elitist (1995-2002). Barbaroi [online]. 2012, n.36, pp.67-90. ISSN 0104-6578.
This article analyzes, for the period of 1995-2002, the federal deputies‟ members of the élite of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. The members of this select group occupy the main key-positions, carry out important activities and have influence on the main decisions of the Chamber of Deputies. The main objective of this article was to identify and to analyze the sociopolitical characteristics as source of the recruitment of the members of these élite. The results were: a) the uniformity of the characteristics sociopolitical and b) the elitist parliamentary recruitment. The methodological procedure used involved the analysis of biographical data.
Keywords : Élite parlamentaria; Origen social; Perfil de carrera; Reclutamiento; Chamber of Deputies; Legislative élite; Social origin; Career profile; Recruitment.