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Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica

Print version ISSN 0104-7841


SHOTTER, John. Moments of common reference in dialogic communication: A basis for unconfused collaboration in unique contexts. Nova perspect. sist. [online]. 2017, vol.26, n.57, pp.09-20. ISSN 0104-7841.

This paper explores the move away from de idea if speech communications a process of information transmission, and explores instead the role of the spontaneous, living, expressive-responsiveness of our bodies. When everyone involves in an interaction is open to being touched or moved by de otherness of the others and othernesses around them, “moments of common reference” can be established. lacking such shared moments, people in a specific situation cannot expect to understand each other with the unique precision required if they are to collaborated with out confusion in the unique situations they occupy - such shares moments provide a shared moments provide a shared “rooting” or “grounding for their shared activities.

Keywords : communication; living responsiveness; otherness; utterance; spontaneous.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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