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vol.26 número58Terapia familiar com crianças: a importância da interlocução teórico-prática para a superação dos desafios no processo de formação do terapeuta índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica

versão impressa ISSN 0104-7841versão On-line ISSN 2594-4363


LABS, Mayara Schinch  e  GRANDESSO, Marilene. Reflecting process: taking possibilities to therapists that work without a team. Nova perspect. sist. [online]. 2017, vol.26, n.58, pp.98-113. ISSN 0104-7841.

This article shared reflections from a qualitative research on a way of using reflexive processes, developed by Tom Andersen, for therapists who works alone, without a team. Except in the institutional and teaching contexts, the therapists usually develop their practices without a team, reason that explain why this research was propose. In order to carry out this work, we conducted dialogic interviews with four therapists who works with reflecting processes., and we could understand, from these conversations, the biggest difficulties, the differences between attendiments with the therapist only and the therapist plus the team, and how can be worked these reflection processes when the psychologist works alone.

Palavras-chave : reflecting processes; postmodern practices; reflecting team; clinical practice.

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