Serviços Personalizados
Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica
versão impressa ISSN 0104-7841versão On-line ISSN 2594-4363
CAVALER, Camila Maffioleti e MACARINI, Samira Mafioletti. Rethinking practices: women's police station as a dialogic space for preventing conjugal violence. Nova perspect. sist. [online]. 2020, vol.29, n.66, pp.60-73. ISSN 0104-7841.
This study, a theoretical essay, aimed to discuss the role of women police stations (DMs), from the perspective of psychology with a gender, reflective and systemic approach. The DMs develop legal procedures for investigating violations committed through domestic or family violence, under the terms of the 11.340/2006 Law. However, this article also emphasizes the DMs as a space for strengthening integrated preventing actions of this type of violence, focusing on the preventive axis established by the law. Therefore, the complexity of the phenomenon of conjugal violence was discussed, and some possibilities for police action were presented, based on citizen security, that promote discussions about the complexity of conjugal violence and the cultural processes that naturalize it. It is also understood that these services can only be offered based on the continuous training of police officers working in the DMs.
Palavras-chave : Women's Police Station; Marital violence; Prevention of violence.