Acta Comportamentalia
Print version ISSN 0188-8145
FIORENTINI, Leticia et al. Relationships derived from relationships: Competition between arbitrary relationships and physical similarity. Acta comport. [online]. 2014, vol.22, n.1, pp.37-50. ISSN 0188-8145.
The study of physical similarity relationships (PSR) and arbitrary relationships is of interest because it allows the assessment of the ability to form and discriminate new relationships between stimuli when another response criterion more established is potentially available, like that of physical similarity. The importance of this type of relational responding is that this behavior is similar to that of analogical reasoning and its study has the advantage of allowing systematic control of familiarity and stimulus learning. The relationships derived from relationships (RDR) imply the ability to establish relationships based not on the stimulus, but on the relations established between combinations of stimuli. In this sense, it is necessary to address both the relationships that are strictly arbitrary as well as PSR, as it is known that the tendency to consider these relationships would also be the basis for the formation of analogical reasoning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of response competition between the RDR and the PSR. The number of responses by the RDR and response times were considered as indicators of response. The study included 158 adult subjects. The results showed that when participants formed RDR consistently, the presence of competition did not cause difficulties in selecting responses by RDR. By contrast, participants who responded inconsistently to the RDR did show effects of competition in both indicators of response. The advantage of using the response times in addition to the number of responses by the RDR is shown as a finer measure of stimulus control. In turn, a special emphasis is made on the importance of studying both the performance of the participants who responded consistently to all derived relations as well as those that only exhibit consistency in establishing stimulus equivalence classes
Keywords : derived relations; equivalence-equivalence; physical similarity relations; competence; response times.