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Salud & Sociedad: investigaciones en psicologia de la salud y psicologia social
versão On-line ISSN 0718-7475
MORAGA-ARANDA, Carol e LEIVA-PEREIRA, Jorge. Model of attention of familiar health: social representations of the civil servants of primary care of health. Salud & Sociedad [online]. 2013, vol.4, n.2, pp.156-167. ISSN 0718-7475.
Objective. To identify the Social Representations (RS) of of the civil servants of Primary Care of Health (PCH) of Talca's commune in Chile about the Model of Attention of Familiar Health. Method. It was provided with the participation of 105 officials of the PCH of different Health Centers (HC) and Family Health Centers (FHC) of the province of Talca in Chile. Those who were given a questionnaire with the following data collection techniques: a semantic differential, a technique of free association of words. Results. The PCH officials value positively the Model of Attention of Familiar Health. In the fields of meaning of the officials it is observed that the proper elements of the Biopsychosocial vision are not integrated, being observed also proper associations of a Biomedical vision. Conclusions. Is observed gap in the implementation of Model Family Health Care to consider the epistemological foundations of this new model. Is concludes that the data collection techniques used are appropriate.
Palavras-chave : Social Representations; Primary Health; Biomedical Model; Biopsychosocial Model.