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Summa psicológica UST (En línea)
On-line version ISSN 0718-0446
RAMIREZ, Rodrigo Bilbao. Soial change and subjectivity: From the discomfort of the restriction to the mall-being of excess. Summa psicol. UST (En línea) [online]. 2014, vol.11, n.1, pp.7-18. ISSN 0718-0446.
This article reviews the subject / culture relationship from a psychoanalytic reading. Initially it presents the transition from modernity to postmodernity showing their subjective effects. Based on this transition, Freud`s starting point is proposed in relation with the discomfort in culture that accounts for a way of being in society from the restriction. Finally a new discomfort that guides the subjective experiences from the excess, supported by scientism and the prevailing capitalist discourse is described.
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