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Summa psicológica UST (En línea)
On-line version ISSN 0718-0446
RAMIREZ, Mónica González and HERNANDEZ, René Landero. Differences in the paranting style pareception between parents and adolescents from the same families. Summa psicol. UST (En línea) [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.1, pp.53-64. ISSN 0718-0446.
This paper shows a brief version of the Parenting Practices Questionnaire with forms for parents and adolescences. The objectives were (1) to evaluate psychometric properties of a brief version of the Parenting Practices Questionnaire, with forms for parents and adolescences, and (2) to compare the perception of parenting styles between parents and adolescents from the same families. 307 adolescents and 197 parents were evaluated. 73 of them were from the same families. We perform explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis as well as reliability analysis to reduce the questionnaire. The final version had 15 items to evaluate authoritative style and 15 items to evaluate authoritarian style. Goodness of fit indices were adequate and Cronbach' s alpha coefficients were among .88 and .93. To compare parental style perceptions between parents and adolescents we used Wilcoxon' s test, finding significant difference in authoritative style.
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